Door Smash

2020 Nissan Rouge

This door smash was actually pretty challenging!! Wiped out style lines, big lows, deep shot in bottom.

7″ crease out from the intrusion bar and warped the whole panel. I had to put it in traction & flow all displaced metal back. No problem!! First thing on the list was to remove the door and put it on a stand eye level.

Door Repair

2020 Nissan Rouge

The course of action to get a great repair is to remove the door and put it on a stand to get an eye level view of this damage. It also opens up more access to reach the damage. The damage is sharp and style lines need to be rebuilt. Removing the door consist of removal of interior door panel, unplug and pull all wiring and then door hinge bolts.

Now that the door is on the stand and secured it is time for tool & tip selection that gives the best leverage. First order of business is to rebuild all the style lines which brings rigidity back into the panel. It also allows room for the displaced metal to move back int its proper place. Next is to address the deep impact at the bottom corner of the door. This requires different tools and tips and a lot of heat from the heat gun trained on the dent to get this damage up cleanly. The impact on this panel warped this door so I put it in traction in the big low areas and flowed the displaced metal back to its home. That is the best way i can explain. The repair came out great, my customer was very happy & it saved the door from being repainted. The vehicle retains its value. It is always a pleasure to be able to use the skills that I have learned to produce such value.   Jeff@independentdentokc

2018 Acadia

This dent was very sharp as you can see .

I was able to access the damage through the wheel liner. I used lots of heat and a flat bar with medium sharp tip to bring most of the damage up. 

Now that 85 % of the dent is up , I changed to a very sharp tip to put a finish on any micro lows . Turned out great Happy customer !!! 

2019 F-150

Door smash 

Customer brought me this beautiful truck . Left rear door bottom was wrinkled all the way across . Challenge accepted !!😎

This door being aluminum ( different animal than steel ) let me know what I was up against right away . Pulled the interior door panel to give me access to the damage with a selection of tools. Well after a couple days of pushing I managed to get this door looking good . Happy Customer !!    

Crease dent 

2016 Canyon

Left bedside 7″ sharp crease dent . I removed the tail light to access this dent with a rod , but the distance from the access point did not allow me to see the bottom of the damage . There were some access holes along the bedside that helped me see the bottom of the crease dent.  

With decent access I was able to use a very sharp steel tip and sew this damage up , resulting in a great repair .

Happy customer !!!  

2014 Rogue

Fender Smash 

Customer asked if I thought I could fix this . I told her that dents like these , I am not completely sure how it will finish out. Inside the dent were two deep creases and had to rebuild the crushed body line . Challenge accepted !! 

This was a two day repair . Using several different push pull techniques plus a very sharp steel tip to bring up the deep creases . turned out pretty good . No sanding , body fillers or repainting . 

Happy customer ! 

Quater panel damage .

2001 Mercedes

This damage was tricky , very little access . I started out glue pulling what the dent would give me . Finding small access holes in the wheel arch I was able to get tools in enough to build the contour line back. 

This dent took a lot of time and patience to get to this level . Finishing with sharp tip tools . Customer very happy and I was glade to have been able to do it .

Camaro Fender Smash

2017 Chevrolet Camaro

Customer brought me this smashed fender dent. I just had to get a fantastic repair on this beautiful Camaro.

It was a complicated dent. The impact had displaced and warped the metal around the dent. Toward the top of the damage there is a (crown) or wave that had to be knocked down as the middle of the damage came up. Pulling the middle up first could trap that metal and make the repair very difficult to finish out. 

The plan worked out really nice. All that was left was to slap down the waves around the fender. The repair came out very nice. I was very pleased with the result.

Happy customer!!  

Dueling Dually Dents 

2016 Chevy Silverado 3500 HD

This dent was large, deep and had crushed the bodyline. It had a impact point and a nick of paint broken. Game plan: 

Glue pulling, connecting several large glue tabs and ratchet straps from the pull tower, I was able to pull pressure on the dent. I then went straight to working the bodyline up. The bodyline is where the strength is in a panel.  

continued…. as the bodyline came up I kept pulling ( getting slack) pressure on the glue tabs , then started to blend the high metal into the low areas. cont….

3500 Finished Repair

2016 Chevy Silverado 3500 HD

As the metal began to flow ( metal has a memory) the dent came out smoothly. Since the bodyline was re established everything moved back into place nicely. Game Plan successful. Happy customer.

The same technique was applied to the left side dent, it was not as severe. The only thing left was a couple of nicks of paint to touch up. 

Not for me to touch up, we don’t want me near paint lol 

Door Smashes!!

2016 Acura

Front Door: This damage as you can see was very large. I placed some glue tabs in strategic places, using motorcycle straps I pulled pressure in those area’s. I had heat trained on the area,and began to take a polished hammer and strike the pressured metal causing a vibration. The result of pulling and striking, I was able to start moving the metal back to its original position. It is hard to see, there was a nasty gash under the door handle. I took a sharp tool and brought it up. Thats when the magic happened and 85% of the dent came up nice. The rest was cleaning up and knocking down the rest for a great repair.   

Rear Door: This damage was very complex, stretched metal. The impact wrapped the metal around the intrusion bar. This metal was deep and stretched. To get this damage going my way I went for the deepest crease area’s first, using the glue pulling crease tabs and pulling some with motorcycle straps, striking the outer aera’s to release some pressure. I then took the door off as I did the front door and put it on the stand flat. It was going to take a lot of leverage with a very sharp tip tool. 

As I worked the metal up it was trying to oil can on me, ( stretched) but i kept working all the deepest area’s first. I finally got the structure back into the door and began to pick it clean. I had to knock down that big long high spot along the way, in which gave the panel even more structure. The repair came out nice. Saved the original paint, no body filler or sanding, just paintless dent repair. Happy customer!!